Mikrofon für Musik- und Instrumenten-Recording

Rock & Pop

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Electronic Music

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Aufnahme eines Orchesters

Classical music

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Hip Hop Crew im Tonstudio

Rap & Hip Hop

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Junge Frau mit Gitarre bei Aufnahme im Tonstudio

Singer Songwriter

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Gutschein Tonstudio

Tik Tok Musik

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Recording, Editing, Publishing

Music production refers to the process of recording, editing and publishing music.

It includes the (recording studio or field recording) recording of music with a microphone or an instrument, the editing (edit - mixing - mixdown) of the recording with audio editing software such as Cubase, the compilation of different recordings into a final product (remix) and the release of the music on different platforms such as CDs, streaming services or radio broadcasts.

The music producer is responsible for organising and managing the recording process, selecting musicians and making decisions about instrumentation, arrangements and mixing.

A music producer may also be responsible for promoting the artist's career and ensuring that the final product meets the expectations of the artist and the label.


In recent years, we have been organising songwriting camps again and again. Well-known artists, topliners and composers have already been on site and written and composed songs with musicians and gold and platinum producers from our large network: Roland Kaiser, Tom Beck, Jonathan Zelter, Marie Wegener, Jona Bird, Nevio, Basti Becks, David Neisser, Luis Baltes, Linda Stark, Diane Weigmann, Antonio Berardi, Jessica Kessler, Markus Becker, Florian Brückl, Dirk Schlag (Santiano), Julian David, Kiki Kröning, Paul Falk, Stephan Ullmann, Daniel Wilde and our partner and music publisher Michael Menges to name just a few ;)

Publishers and record companies please contact us by e-mail and ask for the conditions for studio rental and equipment. The organisation will then be done internally by our team. Up to 4 fully equipped production rooms are available, with everything a musician's heart desires. Airbnb and hotels for the musicians are available nearby.

Years of experience for professional sound

Good preparation and clear agreements help in any case to achieve a professional sound. It is also important to take the time a song or an album needs to be released for eternity in this "digital" world.

Let's just do it well!

We are looking forward to your request.

0152 335 938 46 0152 335 938 46 jan@schraubfabrik.de

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